Cypress Elementary

See below for the California Smarter Balanced results for tests which were taken by students in the spring of 2023, and reported by EdSource. The tests form part of the state's California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, or CAASPP. Hover over colors in the charts to see percentages for each achievement level.

For some schools the results for student groups will show as asterisks to indicate that the state withheld the results because 10 or fewer students took the test. Scores are for 2023 unless otherwise noted. Data may not add up to 100% due to rounding. Tests were not given in 2020. Testing in 2021 was optional and results are missing in some schools and districts.

Overall Test Results

In the overall Cypress Elementary test results for 2023, 65.54% of students met or exceeded the state standard in English, while 34.46% did not, a change of -3.05% from 2022. In math, 63.07% of students met or exceeded the state standard, with 36.92% not meeting it: a change of -0.53% from 2022.

smarter balanced test results legend
smarter balanced test results legend

* Tests for 2020 were not given statewide due to Covid-19 pandemic. Testing in 2021 was optional.

Subject Standard Not Met 2023 Chg. From 2022 Standard Nearly Met 2023 Chg. From 2022 Standard Met 2023 Chg. From 2022 Standard Exceeded 2023 Chg. From 2022
English 16.64% 2.26% 17.82% 0.79% 26.22% -1.29% 39.32% -1.76%
Math 14.9% 0.8% 22.02% -0.28% 25.69% -0.46% 37.39% -0.06%

Achievement Gap Results: Racial/Demographic Breakdown

* Tests for 2020 were not given statewide due to Covid-19 pandemic. Testing in 2021 was optional.

English: Standard Met or Exceeded

Year African American Hispanic White Asian
2015 41.0% 51.0% 61.0% 86.0%
2016 45.0% 53.0% 61.0% 86.0%
2017 43.66% 49.53% 61.14% 83.98%
2018 42.25% 50.9% 63.94% 85.46%
2019 47.69% 52.2% 63.6% 85.47%
2022 33.33% 51.6% 61.52% 85.31%
2023 31.03% 46.59% 56.67% 84.71%

Math: Standard Met or Exceeded

Year African American Hispanic White Asian
2015 30.0% 37.0% 48.0% 80.0%
2016 39.0% 41.0% 51.0% 83.0%
2017 39.44% 45.17% 54.95% 84.0%
2018 39.44% 45.83% 60.82% 85.83%
2019 47.69% 46.09% 61.51% 86.36%
2022 35.19% 40.67% 55.83% 84.33%
2023 29.31% 39.52% 54.64% 85.09%


smarter balanced test results legend
smarter balanced test results legend
Race/Ethnicity English: Standard Not Met English: Standard Nearly Met English: Standard Met English: Standard Exceeded
White 20.56% 22.78% 26.94% 29.72%
Hispanic 29.28% 24.13% 25.23% 21.36%
African-American 39.66% 29.31% 15.52% 15.52%
Asian 5.45% 9.84% 27.26% 57.45%
Pacific Islander 18.18% 45.45% 9.09% 27.27%
Filipino 11.54% 11.54% 31.73% 45.19%
Race/Ethnicity Math: Standard Not Met Math: Standard Nearly Met Math: Standard Met Math: Standard Exceeded
White 17.49% 27.87% 30.87% 23.77%
Hispanic 29.78% 30.7% 22.98% 16.54%
African-American 37.93% 32.76% 20.69% 8.62%
Asian 3.69% 11.21% 24.14% 60.95%
Pacific Islander 18.18% 63.64% 9.09% 9.09%
Filipino 6.73% 23.08% 32.69% 37.5%

2023 Test Results By Grade Level

smarter balanced test results legend
smarter balanced test results legend
Grade English: Standard Not Met English: Standard Nearly Met English: Standard Met English: Standard Exceeded
Grade 3 20.46% 19.31% 22.53% 37.7%
Grade 4 19.18% 15.51% 20.0% 45.31%
Grade 5 15.69% 15.88% 28.24% 40.2%
Grade 6 11.97% 20.66% 33.2% 34.17%
Grade Math: Standard Not Met Math: Standard Nearly Met Math: Standard Met Math: Standard Exceeded
Grade 3 15.3% 17.35% 27.4% 39.95%
Grade 4 11.92% 23.43% 26.26% 38.38%
Grade 5 14.34% 23.97% 26.92% 34.77%
Grade 6 17.94% 22.71% 22.52% 36.83%


smarter balanced test results legend
smarter balanced test results legend
Status English: Economically Disadvantaged English: Not Economically Disadvantaged Math: Economically Disadvantaged Math: Not Economically Disadvantaged
Standard Not Met 24.55% 10.78% 23.03% 8.87%
Standard Nearly Met 23.47% 13.64% 29.59% 16.4%
Standard Met 25.27% 26.92% 23.39% 27.39%
Standard Exceeded 26.71% 48.66% 23.99% 47.34%


smarter balanced test results legend
smarter balanced test results legend
Gender English: Male English: Female Math: Male Math: Female
Standard Not Met 19.67% 13.74% 14.35% 15.44%
Standard Nearly Met 18.41% 17.25% 20.69% 23.31%
Standard Met 28.35% 24.17% 26.72% 24.7%
Standard Exceeded 33.58% 44.83% 38.25% 36.55%